Saturday, June 7, 2008


As you might have guessed, should you have read some of my other installments on this blog, I'm a Barack Obama supporter. I have said in the last blog installment, that Hillary showed at the very least, poor political sportsmanship in her speech on Tuesday. I thought that it showed what a bitter person she was. A sore loser. That was her chance, on Tuesday night, to embrace the fact that she lost, endorse the winner, in this case Sen. Obama and get off the stage. I was lacking what I think is Barack Obama's strongest suit, empathy.

Losing any election is personal. Its a personal, very public rejection by the voters. Add to that that you were the "inevitable" candidate to not just win the presidency but to also make history. Seeing the nomination slip away to someone that has less experience than you, seeing it slip away when you have truly found your voice, developed a constituency and winning primaries in end by large margins. That is a lot to take in and come to grips with in a short period of time. There is evidence in primary history where the concession came after weeks of losing the primaries. Sometime its never comes, like with Ted Kennedy in 1980 against Jimmy Carter.

I have often said during this primary season, that Barack has been the larger person in this election when faced with adversity but today, Hillary was the "large" person. Her speech today took so much courage and humility. She spoke from the heart and there can be no doubt of her support for Sen. Obama. She does not need to be vice president to make history, she is history.

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