Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dear Sen. Obama

Dear Senator Obama:

I saw the debate last Saturday and thought you handled yourself well. When they got into finding Bin Ladin and what you would do if you knew where he was you gave the standard answer that you would kill him if you got the chance. Too often is sounds like that will cure the terrorism problem. It was actually Senator McCain that talked about needing the help of the people of Pakistan to capture or kill the infamous terrorist leader. Called it counter terrorism.

While I believe that McCain sees this as only a strategy or means to an end, i wish you would have taken the opportunity to not only agree with this "strategy" but expand it to say helping people in despair is the number one too in fighting terrorism both Islamic and other violent.groups that mean us harm.

As evidence you could have sited where America is revered. Like in many parts Africa where Americans are much admired for our help in HIV-AIDS and malaria prevention and eradication. It is of the few things that the Bush Administration can be proud of is their out reach in places like Rwanda. It has done more to keep Africa and America safer than the billions of dollars of military hardware we have give to countries like Ethiopia.

You, Senator Obama, I know understand this. That to change our image in the world, the way we are perceived, is the best way to keep this country safe. I know that you because of who you are, have to appear to be just as tough as your elder Senator rival. But you have proven yourself to be also more thoughtful and wise.

You have said in the past that you would tell America not only what it wants to hear but what it needs to hear. Now is your chance.


Hope for the future

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