Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It Should Be Over..

Wednesday night, I shot the 3rd presidential debate at Hofstra University on Long Island NY. They are really all the same for the media. You set up your gear to record the debate about 8 hours before it starts. Then you wait... The fun part is that companies like Budweiser set tents up where they have food and beer and cheesecake...its great. Especially the cheesecake.

Then the debate started. Its hard to follow what is going on because I have to listen to see if the sound I am recording is working and the video is good. Its only when I go back to the hotel that I can watch the replay of the debate and really pay attention to what was said. I thought to myself while watching it, that if this were a fight they would have stopped it.

I also thought it was appropriate that Senator Hillary Clinton was in the audience. To keep my boxing analogy going, she has to be the best political sparring partner in history. I doubt that Senator Obama would be the candidate we saw tonight without her and their more than 20 debates together.

On issue after issue Barack Obama displayed a grasp and knowledge that seemed presidential. He seemed simply, more comfortable in his own skin. Most of the pundits seemed to think that this was John McCain's best performance and maybe they're right. I am sort of in the tank for Obama, but what I saw was an angry and cynical old man. Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanual told us in an interview, that McCain reminded him tonight of the old man that screamed at the kid for hitting the baseball into his yard . Mr. Wilson from the Dennis The Menace Show is who he reminded me of.

I watched the replay on C-Span. They played the entire thing in a split screen where you had both candidates on the screen the whole time. This is a great way to watch something like this because you see both their reactions to what is said. McCain looked like he was trying to keep himself under control. He spent much too much time talking about things that don't really matter to people that are struggling to make it. For example, 60's radical William Ayers, the John Lewis statement regarding the violent turn the McCain/Palin rallies were taking. I don't believe that even Republicans and John McCain himself truly belive that Barack voted to not support infant children in the Illinois senate. But that is what Senator McCain spent most of his time on. He, John McCain, looked desperate. He looked like a man that knew he had lost the race.

Senator McCain commented repeatedly that Barack Obama was an eloquent speaker, like that meant nothing. But we interviewed many of the people who were in the debate audience and they said that this is what they liked the most about Obama. His clear responses to the questions being presented. One woman said that 8 years of a president who can't pronounce the word nuclear is enough.

The McCain campaign may think that their candidate landed some serious body blows to Senator Obama with "Joe the Plumber", a closet McCain supporter who confronted Barack Obama in Ohio over his inability to start his own plumbing business, under what would be Obama's tax plan. Or maybe the line about not being President Bush. "If you wanted to run against George Bush, you should have run 4 years ago." A good line but that's all it was.

I know it must be frustrating after fighting your way to the top of the Republican ticket. Rising from the political grave to leader of your party and come up against such a dynamic opponent. When I watched McCain in the split sceen, eyes blinking, temples flexing a tight grin or grimace on his face as he listened to Obama respond eloquently to questions and attacks. I was just wondering what he might be thinking. "Damn this guy is good" or 'this bastard is cleaning my clock".

John McCain had little to offer as far as substance and this presidential race should be over. If you get the opportunity and you did not watch the debate I urge you to watch it online or on the news replays. While these debates were a pain in the ass to cover as a news person their importance can't be understated. It is really the only time you see both of the major candidates on the same stage.

I believe that this is especially important in this election. There are many among the voting public that hold preconcieved notions in regards to race, culture and values. People need to see that Barack Obama is not scary or unintelligent. That his values are not radical or out of step. That he is cool, calm and thoughtful.

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