Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not Over Yet

When I started this blog it was to tell stories from the campaign trail that I was on for the better part of 2 years. I quickly found myself discussing the issues that came up along the way. So when the election ended on that unusually warm night in Chicago's Grant Park I thought my blogging days would be over. I found, however, that my passion for the issues have not faded. So I'm back in no small part because my wife still has a limited capacity for my rants and raves.

Even though President Obama said countless times on the campaign trail that change would not come easy, I still find it hard to believe how little help the minority party has been in this time of global crisis. I guess if you can't be the party of influence then you can be the party of obstruction.

Please feel free to read more of my tirades to come:)

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