Thursday, June 5, 2008


I wish my kid's were older so I could explain to them the historical significance of this day! I would tell them that this day is going to change the rest of their lives, hopefully.... That now they can be whatever they want to be, that their voices will be heard and their faces will be seen.

I would tell them that this NEVER could have happened when I was their age. That the America they will grow up in is going to be a different America from the one in which I was raised. The America I knew had me sleeping under a window for an entire summer during the Detroit race riots in the sixties. It was the safest place to sleep to avoid being hit by a stray bullet, and I was just 7 years old. This same America had my mom applying for special grants for minorities to get me out of poorly run inner city schools, just so I could get the decent education that I deserved. That my America had me watch my mother struggle to explain to me, when I was just 4 years old, why I could not take a sip from a water fountain while on a trip to New Orleans .

I know that racism is not going to be wiped out in one fell swoop, but this certainly is a huge step in the right direction-I can't help but imagine what it could mean for my children if Obama becomes the next President. My kids are upstairs sleeping, completely unaware of this gift of a better future that was just given to them. 

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